With 115 million presbyopes in the United States and treatments on the horizon in the management of presbyopia, we at PentaVision Media saw a need for education in this area, to keep eyecare professionals informed and up-to-date on current and future treatments. Our editorial formula and extensive publishing experience in ophthalmology and optometry provide a solid foundation through which to launch Presbyopia Physician.
In this publication, we’re committed to providing education about innovative solutions, and we’ve taken a deliberate approach for a collaborative point of view from both ophthalmologists and optometrists. Presbyopia Physician will reach 18,000 MDs and 44,000 ODs in a digital format. We believe this is critical for adoption of solutions for the management of presbyopia.
Building a new patient journey for people with presbyopia will also be the result of collective efforts of eyecare professionals and industry partnerships. Patient care begins with technology and there are many companies committed to advancing treatment options for presbyopia.
Adapting to the loss of near vision is a challenge for people. A nonsurgical, pharmacological alternative to reading glasses that is effective, safe, well tolerated, and does not disrupt distance or nighttime vision, will hopefully be an option in the near future. We expect that Presbyopia Physician will be the go-to source for collective education.
I have to thank Chief Co-Medical Editors, Elizabeth Yeu, MD, and Jacob Lang, OD, for being on board from the get-go. Their enthusiastic response and continual guidance has been essential. Our terrific editorial board has also generated great insight and editorial ideas. Thanks also to Managing Editor Steve Lenier and the PentaVision publishing team for making this possible. We welcome your feedback! ■

Douglas A. Parry
Executive Vice President and Publisher